I see you are ready to be a trailblazer in the fertility, pregnancy & reproductive health nutrition space? 🔥
​I love to see the commitment!

I am thrilled to announce that after a successful first round, we will soon be opening up enrolments for the ✨ Fertility Friendly Dietitians Clinical Mentorship Group! ✨

I cannot wait to get stuck into our monthly clinical supervision sessions, connecting with you and other fertility friendly dietitians inside an exclusive group and to deepen your knowledge and skillset to supercharge your client outcomes without the endless hours researching and questioning if you are barking up the wrong tree - guided by me - Stefanie Valakas APD, Certified Fertility & Pregnancy Dietitian.

Get your name on the waitlist to learn more and be the first to know when registrations open for our next intake in September for our 2024/2025 series

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